Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! Many things the earth gives us are typically taken for granted, but not today. The whole point of this national holiday is to recognize all of the gifts we recieve from our planet, and learn ways of basically returning the favor. Doesn't that sound appropriate? I mean, every blog I've written deals with the natural properties of food and how it benefits you. So to return that favor and continue getting rich, wonderful foods, here are some simple tips taken from the Environmental Protection Agency's website to protect the earth. (Image taken from

1. Compost! Compost helps improve soil, so you can grow your garden more efficiently. When mowing the grass, don't worry about the cut blades. They will decompose and return to the soil naturally. Food scraps also act as a natural fertilizer. That not only saves you money from buying fertilizer, but it's more natural!

2. Reuse! Don't buy into the plastic bags at the grocery. All you have to do is keep a few large reusable bags in your car and grab them before you walk into the grocery.

3. Dog Poop! Don't let your dog's poop hang out on the grass. Up until I read these tips, I thought the poop would do the same as compost and soak in the soil, acting as a natural fertilizer. That's what I was taught at least, but that's not what actually happens! Think about when a storm comes. That poop will travel with the run-off and get in the water that the fish you eat swim in, the water you will eventually drink... I don't know if I have to say anymore.

4. Fill it up! Don't run your dishwasher until it is completely full. That way you can save the amount of water you use. Also, you'll be saving yourself some money on dishwashing soap.

5. Showering versus Bathing! A bath tub will take up to 70 gallons of water to fill. That's insane to think about, I had no idea. A way to fix that is taking a 5-10 minute shower. You will be saving 10 to 25 gallons of water.

6. Compact Flourescence! Are any of your light bulbs dying? Once it does, don't buy another conventional bulb to replace it. Instead, get a compact flourescent light bulb. They last longer, and EPA came up with this interesting fact. If each household replaced one conventional light bulb with a compact flourescent light bulb, we'd save enough energy to light over 3 million houses!

7. Cars! When you're in your car waiting for someone, turn off your car. Buses and cars emit fumes when they're running, so don't do it! Also, if you can, leave your car home twice a week. You can cut up to 1600 pounds of gas emmissions a year if you do. Take the bus, a bike, or simply walk.

Those are just a few of the many ways you can help. When I was on campus today, there were small tips all over the place that I couldn't help reading. One was to buy fruits only in season. These are the most natural fruits, and they're supposed to be eaten at this time! Easy enough. Another tip is to turn off lights when you're not home or not in the room. Use your air conditioner and heater minimally. Open the window, and enjoy the natural breeze!

Also, enjoy the gifts of earth. Enjoy a picnic outside, go for a run, take your dog for a walk. Not only is it beautiful outside, but just a half hour in the sun will give you your daily intake of Vitamin D.

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